Chief Executive Officer
NeuroBusiness Group
Srinivasan S. Pillay, M.D. is a certified master executive coach, brain-imaging researcher and Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. He was the top medical student, top award winner at Harvard and one of the top three award winners in the US during his residency training. He is also the founder, CEO and President of NeuroBusiness Group – an executive coaching company certifying coaches in the application of brain science to profitability in the business environment. Dr. Pillay has taught these methods with very high acclaim to executives from many companies including but not limited to The MITRE Corporation, Novartis, CEO Clubs of Greece and Boston, Coca Cola, PepsiCo, and Microchip. He has worked with coaches in a teaching or collaborative capacity from The Forum Corporation, Mobius Executive Leadership and Triad Consulting. In addition, he has been invited to present his work in Boston, New York, Los Angeles, London, Switzerland, Greece and Singapore and his most recent presentations are to executives from Africa, Asia and The Middle East. Dr. Pillay is also the author of “Life Unlocked: 7 Revolutionary Lessons to Overcome Fear” (Rodale, August 2010) and he writes for “The Huffington Post” and “Psychology Today” as well. He is extensively sought out as a speaker and by the media. Select media appearances related to his business experience include The Financial Times in Greece, Epoca Magazine in Brazil, Forbes Magazine, The Pittsburgh Post Gazette, Investors Business Daily, Atlanta Journal Constitution and the Sarasota Herald Tribune. Wharton Business School has asked Dr. Pillay to write a book on applying brain science to business for managers and leaders. The book, “The Winning Business Brain” is scheduled to be released in March 2011. Aside from his work on applying brain science to improving business performance, Dr. Pillay is also regarded as an international expert in burnout, stress and anxiety, having been the Director of the Outpatient Anxiety Disorders Program at Mclean Hospital, consistently ranked the top freestanding psychiatric hospital in the US for the past 20 years. Dr. Pillay lives in Newton, MA and works out of Cambridge, MA.
Profile as of 8/15/2010